Hi, I’m Dr. Kelly Kay.
Acupuncturist • Energy Healer •Shaman Spiritual Coach
I am here to assist people through these rapid changes of expansion of awareness that are happening on the planet at this time.
The spiritual awakening and healing process can feel overwhelming. There can be so many layers of your soul coming forward for healing, so many insights and shifts within you - some beautiful, some very challenging. It can be incredibly helpful to have a skilled spiritual guide and experienced healing facilitator assist in your awakening and healing journey! I have been in the holistic healing field for over 10 years, worked with people all across the planet in many different countries, and have helped hundreds, if not thousands, of people reach greater balance within themselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Your soul already has everything it needs to heal and grow, but sometimes we need someone further along the path to show us the way though the rough patches. I am simply a guide to show you hidden pieces of yourself, aspects of your soul or abilities that you may have hidden or buried in your subconscious. We work together as a team, and as you learn about yourself, you grow in your own confidence in your abilities to self-heal and self-expand. I look forward to assisting you in this magnificent journey of remembrance!
Work With Me
with energy healing and sound therapy
Energy Healing
chakra balancing, shamanic journeys
& Akashic readings
1:1 Coaching
spiritual guidance
& meditation training
The dr. pat show
Featured on the #1 positive talk network,
streaming live on www.transformationtalkradio.com and www.thedrpatshow.com.
Would you like to learn more about
the art of transmutation?
Transmutation is at the heart of good energy work and shamanic practices, and can lead to life-changing shifts in your consciousness! Here is a link to Kelly's live Zoom podcast with Dr. Pat and the Transformation Talk Radio team.
Listen and/or watch as she describes why transmutation is such a forgotten art in today's world, how energy work and shamanic journeys use the art of transmutation with excellent results, and how YOU can learn to transmute your pain, your past, your trauma into healing, growth, and joy!
Instant Zen
Explore Kelly’s guided meditations for energy healing and spiritual guidance.
I wanted to say that I really appreciate all the help you have given me to allow me to find my way back to a space where I feel normal again. I noticed when I had sessions with you, the energy is palpable. With some other appointments I had [with another acupuncturist], when she left the room, it felt empty. It was so weird! When working with you, I felt like you never left, and I also felt a divine presence helping and intensifying the practice (in a good way). I asked where this presence was when I had my first appointment and the answer I got was this divine being works only with you! I am so excited to continue to work with you.
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We are in the age
of Awakening.
If you are reading this, then you have had those nudges from the core of your being saying: something is shifting. My dreams, my goals, my priorities are changing.
I want to know myself, heal myself, and expand myself. I want to be the most authentic, joyful version of myself possible. I realize there is something deep and important happening to me.
You may ask,
How do I awaken my soul to its fullest potential?
How do I fit these inner changes into my outer world?
How do I take care of myself physically, emotionally or
spiritually while I go through all these profound changes?
The goal is self-empowerment, freedom from fear and self-limiting beliefs, and a return to the pure state of divine Love and Light.

Reserve Your
I look forward to assisting you in this
magnificent journey of remembrance.